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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Cloud Mountain Retreat Center

‘There is nothing you need hold on to, there is nothing you need push away’: A path to the peace of letting go

In the exchange between the student Jatukannī and the Buddha from the "Sutta Nipāta, Pārāyanavagga, 11" a pathway is offered from the agitation of desire to the peacefulness of letting go. We will take this rich teaching as a basis for exploring how the establishment of kindness, mindfulness and clarity shifts the dynamic of our experience from stress to spaciousness and release.

In this radical truth, all experience has inherent in it freedom from distress. This freedom is realised when skilfulness is established, and our hearts have the confidence to meet whatever is arising with compassion. There is nothing we need to contend with. Rather the way through suffering is to recognise the relief of knowing moment-to-moment, ‘It’s like this’.

Our time of practice together will be focused on cultivating what is needed to experience the fullness of this possibility, of having a heart that is at peace with the world.

The retreat structure will create a holding for contemplative practice in a conducive environment, with noble silence as a support. There will be daily Dhamma reflections, Q&A opportunities, and personal practice dialogues offered. The schedule will include structured periods of sitting and walking meditation, as well as the opportunity for less structured practice for those more experienced in retreat. There will be time set aside in the schedule for yoga, or other forms of exercise suited to the contemplative environment.

Dhamma talks are informed by the graduated teachings of the Buddha, drawing on primary texts relevant to the unfolding learning within the retreat itself.

2022-10-14 (13 days) Cloud Mountain Retreat Center

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2022-10-25 Returning home - final dialogue 33:07
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