The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Cloud Mountain Retreat Center
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2024-06-08 Cooling the Mind, Making it Firm 49:29
Ayya Santussika
What methods are you using to cool the mind? How about making it steady? Using anapanasati and various reflections, including the three characteristics.
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Cooling the Mind, Warming the Heart

2024-06-08 Relaxing into Retreat 42:18
Ayya Santussika
Anapanasati - body and feeling
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Cooling the Mind, Warming the Heart

2024-06-08 Start Where We Are 28:06
Ayya Santussika
Beginning to cool the mind: Why did we come? What did we come with? How to take care with wisdom and kindness.
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Cooling the Mind, Warming the Heart

2024-06-07 Retreat Introduction 53:12
Ayya Santussika, Ayya Cittananda
Welcome Forming the container Brief overview Refuges and Precepts
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Cooling the Mind, Warming the Heart

2024-04-23 Taking Care of Our Mind 28:20
Ayya Anandabodhi
Dhamma reflection on caring for the mind.
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Loving and Letting Go

2024-04-23 The Four Brahma Viharas 34:31
Ayya Anandabodhi
A guided meditation touching into each of the Brahma Viharas - the Divine Abodes~ metta - kindness karuna - compassion mudita - appreciative joy upekkha - equanimity
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Loving and Letting Go

2024-04-23 How We Meet the World 21:31
Ayya Anandabodhi
How we meet the world influences the world we meet.
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Loving and Letting Go

2024-04-22 The Flux and Change of Things 39:38
Ayya Anandabodhi
A reflection on the true nature of things, how we get entangled and remembering to let go.
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Loving and Letting Go

2024-04-22 Knowing and the Known 40:52
Ayya Anandabodhi
Reflections on knowing what is present, knowing how to meet it, and being the knowing...
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Loving and Letting Go

2024-04-21 Suffering and the Ending of Suffering 18:51
Ayya Anandabodhi
The Buddha said, "I teach two things, suffering and the ending of suffering". A deep dive into how we create suffering in ourselves and in the world and a pointer to the way out of this pattern.
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Loving and Letting Go

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