The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Cloud Mountain Retreat Center
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2022-10-15 Dhamma reflection, Nothing to hold on to, nothing to push away 40:02
Willa Thaniya Reid
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center ‘There is nothing you need hold on to, there is nothing you need push away’: A path to the peace of letting go

2022-10-15 Guided reflection, Being here now 23:53
Elizabeth Day
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center ‘There is nothing you need hold on to, there is nothing you need push away’: A path to the peace of letting go

2022-10-15 Establishing embodied presence 46:52
Willa Thaniya Reid
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center ‘There is nothing you need hold on to, there is nothing you need push away’: A path to the peace of letting go

2022-10-14 Retreat opening night- Arriving here 48:26
Elizabeth Day
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center ‘There is nothing you need hold on to, there is nothing you need push away’: A path to the peace of letting go

2022-09-20 Equanimity Practice on the Cushion and in the World 1:10:14
Kamala Masters
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Metta Retreat with Kamala Masters and Mark Nunberg

2022-09-18 Compassion in Brahmavihara Practice 64:39
Kamala Masters
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Metta Retreat with Kamala Masters and Mark Nunberg

2022-09-17 Retreat - Learning to Trust the Goodness of the Heart - Talk 58:39
Mark Nunberg
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Half Day Retreat

2022-06-08 Maranasati Meditation 42:47
Ayya Cittananda
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Infusing Every Aspect of our Life with the Dhamma

2022-06-08 Fading Away and Cessation 33:18
Ayya Cittananda
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Infusing Every Aspect of our Life with the Dhamma

2022-06-07 A Good Day to Die 27:15
Ayya Cittananda
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center Infusing Every Aspect of our Life with the Dhamma

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