The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks given at Cloud Mountain Retreat Center
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2023-06-03 The Gradual Path in MN 39 At Assapura 1:10:43
Ayya Santussika
This is an examination of the steps in the Gradual Training as represented in MN 39 The Longer Discourse at Assapura. Here the Buddha includes beautiful similes for the five hindrances and the experience of the four jhanas. Our study has the aim to deepen our own practice and progress on the path.
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center The Buddha’s Gradual Path: Spiritual Progress in Lay Life

2023-06-03 Earth Meditation 24:27
Ayya Santussika
Guided meditation on the earth element, internally and externally, and meditating "like the earth."
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center The Buddha’s Gradual Path: Spiritual Progress in Lay Life

2023-06-03 Advice to Rahula 24:59
Ayya Santussika
Using the Buddha's advice to his son, Rahula, on developing different types of meditation, starting with meditating on the earth element internally and externally, and meditating "like the earth."
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center The Buddha’s Gradual Path: Spiritual Progress in Lay Life

2023-06-03 Honest Assessment Morning Reflection 11:29
Ayya Cittananda
Taking stock of where you are in your practice so you can make progress.
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center The Buddha’s Gradual Path: Spiritual Progress in Lay Life

2023-06-02 Brief intro 11:06
Ayya Santussika
Gradual Path outline
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center

2023-05-16 Taking Responsibility for Well Being - Guided Meditation 14:56
Mark Nunberg
Taking Responsibility for Well Being - Guided Meditation
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center

2023-05-16 Taking Responsibility for Well Being - Talk 46:34
Mark Nunberg
Taking Responsibility for Well Being - Talk
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center

2023-05-14 What's the problem? (Meditation) 12:11
Mark Nunberg
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center

2023-05-14 What's the problem? (Talk) 51:18
Mark Nunberg
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center

2022-10-25 Returning home - final dialogue 33:07
Willa Thaniya Reid, Carole Melkonian, Elizabeth Day
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center ‘There is nothing you need hold on to, there is nothing you need push away’: A path to the peace of letting go

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